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Cannolis & Carrots Blog

4 Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep for Weight Management

Did you know that getting enough sleep may be just as important as your diet and exercise if your goal is to lose weight? 

Truth is, more than a third of Americans aren't getting enough sleep on a regular basis.  

Experts say you should aim to get between seven and eight hours of...

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Budget Friendly Grocery Shopping Tips

Some love to do it and others absolutely hate doing it — that’s right, we’re talking about grocery shopping. 

A trip to the grocery store may cost you a bit more these days. With rising prices and availability issues it's more challenging than ever to bring home the...

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5 Ways to Make Veggies More Tasty!

If I ask you to imagine vegetables for a moment, what’s the first thought that comes to mind? If you’re thinking of those boring, steamed broccoli florets… well it’s time to think again! 

There are countless ways to prepare vegetables that are not only healthy but...

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How to Build a Smoothie Based on Your Goals

Smoothies are not only quick and easy to prepare, but they’re also portable for convenient, on-the-go meals and snacks. Plus, they make a tasty way to reach your daily fruits and vegetable needs. We love a good smoothie, but it’s important to know that not all blends are created...

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Take a Healthy Approach to Takeout

healthytakeout takeout Jan 17, 2022

After a long and stressful day, the temptation to give in and order takeout is real. You might even be getting takeout meals or food deliveries more frequently than you used to because of the pandemic. 

While it’s true that restaurant meals, particularly fast food, tend to have more...

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The Post-Holiday Slump: How to Break Out of It

It’s the first full week of January, which means it’s back to reality and business as usual. For some, it’s a major relief. Even with all its good tidings and cheer, the holidays are a financially, physically, and emotionally draining time of year. 

If you feel low,...

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Fun Ways to Stay in a “Goal-Getter” Mindset!

On January 1, everyone seems to have an idea of how they want their new year to look, from healthier habits to learning new skills. Although most people are motivated in the first few months of the new year, it’s not uncommon to see that motivation wear off by March or April. 

Be a...

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How To Actually Keep Your Resolutions This Year

New year, new you? The new year often feels like a fresh start and a great opportunity to change bad habits and establish new routines, but unfortunately, more than half of all resolutions fail. This year, stop the cycle by learning how to identify the right resolution to improve your life,...

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Is Fasted Cardio Safe?

fastedcardio fasting Dec 13, 2021

If you’ve ever woken up at 5 a.m. to squeeze in a morning run and haven’t had time to scarf down a banana or an energy bar, then you’ve done fasted cardio. You may have heard about the fat-burning benefits of getting out of bed and doing a workout immediately, but is this new...

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5 Ways to Lighten Up Your Favorite Cup of Hot Chocolate!

‘Tis the season for your favorite cup of hot cocoa! While some recipes call for cream and melted chocolate, yielding an intense, rich dessert, the one we spell out here shows you how healthy (and delicious) hot cocoa can be. 

Lighten up your hot chocolate this season by using these 5...

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