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Cannolis & Carrots Blog

4 Benefits of a Good Nightā€™s Sleep for Weight Management

Did you know that getting enough sleep may be just as important as your diet and exercise if your goal is to lose weight? 

Truth is, more than a third of Americans aren't getting enough sleep on a regular basis.  

Experts say you should aim to get between seven and eight hours of...

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My Sneaky Calorie Experiment!

I did an experiment this past week! I was going through coffee creamer bottles like they were water between my morning coffee and my new nightly obsession which is Iced Lemon Loaf or Raspberry Zinger tea with french vanilla creamer (I have been digging the oat milk creamers but also get coffee...

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Let's Talk Travel!

Traveling is a major part of life for many whether it be for business, pleasure or a combination of both. Sometimes the change in schedule and food choices can lead to discomforts like fatigue, bloat or weight gain! Maintaining your healthy lifestyle while traveling can help you feel great while...

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Veggies: The Starchy vs. The Non-Starchy

A recurrent theme that I have come across in my years as a dietitian is clients telling me they are making a conscience effort to minimize starch portions on their plate and maximize vegetable portions, but they still aren’t seeing results in their weight loss or diabetes maintenance...

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