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Cannolis & Carrots Blog

Peppermint: The Superfood of the Holiday Season!

From candy canes to minty hot cocoa, ‘tis the season to experience the power of peppermint.

Although it’s best not to overdo it when it comes to sugary treats, don’t rule it out entirely as this aromatic plant has a number of health benefits! Peppermint can also be used in teas,...

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Thanksgiving Leftover Ideas and Food Safety!

Even if your holiday gathering is smaller this year, chances are you're going to have leftovers. Many people look forward to Thanksgiving leftovers as much as—if not more than—the feast itself. 

Before you dig in, keep these tips handy so that they can stay safely stored in the...

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“Hot Hydration”: 5 ways to get your water in during cold winter months!

Let’s face it...when it’s chilly outside, the last thing you want to do is reach over to your cold water bottle and take a sip. After all, having absolutely no visual clue like sweating during the summer months can get the better of you, making you ignore your daily water...

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Is "Starvation Mode" Real?

In last week's email newsletter I talked about “3 Nutrition Lies That Need to Die”, and one of them was the myth about starvation mode. This topic has remained a hot topic in the past 10 years that I’ve been in the nutrition industry, so let’s talk a bit more about this...

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3 Nutrition Lies That Need to Die

Whether you’re scrolling through social media, reading your favorite magazine, or visiting popular websites, you are exposed to an unlimited amount of nutrition and health information, the majority of which are FALSE! 

It seems like every other day a new influencer comes out claiming...

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What Is the Sirtfood Diet?

When Adele posted a photo of herself on her 32nd birthday, the world wished her a happy birthday and couldn’t help to wonder: how did she lose a hundred pounds? Well, the Sirtfood Diet is how. It has become a favorite of celebrities in Europe and is famous for allowing red wine and...

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The No Frills/ No Nonsense Way to Support a Faster Metabolism

A person’s metabolism is the rate at which their body burns calories for energy. The speed of metabolism depends on a variety of factors, including age, sex, body fat, muscle mass, activity level, and genetics.

While a person has no control over the genetic aspects of their metabolism,...

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Hunger Hormone Hacks

Meet Ghrelin and Leptin: you may not know them by name, but they know you. Ghrelin and Leptin are chemicals, or hormones, that we have in our bodies to regulate our weight and eating. Specifically, Leptin, made from fat cells, decreases the appetite, whereas Ghrelin increases the appetite and...

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10 Ways to Enjoy Apples This Fall

Nothing says autumn quite like an apple that’s sweet, crisp, tart, and juicy. Apples are naturally high in fiber, vitamin C, and various antioxidants. They are also very filling, considering their low calorie count. 

Here are 10 fresh ways to enjoy the fruit of the season this fall:

  1. ...
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10 Creative Ways to Use Protein Powder

Using protein powder is an effortless way to increase our daily protein intake to help reach the daily recommended amount of 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men.

You’re probably used to adding protein powder to your morning or post-workout smoothie, but protein powder is more versatile...

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