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Cannolis & Carrots Blog

Fruit Everyday, Yay or Nay?

Updated August 2022

Sugar has been demonized quite a bit in the past couple of decades, and let’s face it, excess sugar in any diet can lead to a host of health problems including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and aside from health concerns can pack on unwanted “vanity...

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NEAT ā€“ Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis...what is it?

Updated August 2022

We have all heard that we should be getting in more steps throughout the day and utilizing opportunities to be more active but many are not aware that there is a specific category of calories that everyone burns throughout the day called NEAT calories: Non-Exercise Activity...

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How to Build the PERFECT Summer Salad

Most people love to enjoy a fresh & crisp salad this time of year. While I am a strong advocate for eating salads all year round, with the heat, many of us prefer to enjoy lighter dishes and meals! 

Here is my formula for the PERFECT summer salad that will leave you feeling full &...

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10 Reasons to Go On a Walk

It’s no surprise that walking is one of the best and most accessible forms of exercise on the planet. It’s easy to fit walking into your schedule, even when you’re pressed for time. Other than a comfortable pair of sneakers and the willingness to put one foot in front of the...

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Mindful vs Mindless Eating

Have you ever sat down in front of the TV with a family size bag of chips that is full one minute, empty the next and wonder how they disappeared so fast? This is one example of mindless eating. 

The opposite of mindless eating is mindful eating. Mindful eating is maintaining an...

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Your Fitness Tracker is Most Likely Lying To You

Fitness trackers are all the rage right now. It's likely that you or someone you know wears some kind of wristband activity tracker and uses this device to monitor exercise and health. But is the data accurate?! 

In 2017, researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine found that...

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5 Simple Ways to Eat Avocado That Aren't On Toast

There's no denying that #avocadotoast is probably the best thing invented since sliced bread and I don’t know about you, but I am experiencing avocado toast fatigue. If you need help getting out of your avo-toast rut, we can help! 

Here are 5 fresh and new ways to enjoy avocados, none...

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The Nutrition Label: Understanding and Interpreting What it Means!

Understanding what's in the foods you buy is key for making healthier choices. However, reading a nutrition facts label can be super tricky! 

Here’s a quick guide to help you understand what the information on the label actually means:

Step 1: Start with the serving size

This will tell...

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5 Easy Breakfast Ideas for Busy People

We get it: There are some (or many) mornings when all we can do is jump out of bed and grab a granola bar on our way out the door. Some of us even made it a habit of skipping breakfast all together. 

Although a gourmet breakfast isn’t a realistic everyday goal, you’d be surprised...

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Discussing the Fascination with Fermented Foods

Did you know that trillions of bacteria live in your intestines? BUT don’t be grossed out! Many of them are “good” bacteria that help keep us healthy.

What are fermented foods? 

Fermented foods are foods and beverages that have undergone controlled microbial growth and...

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